Source code for smurfs.preprocess.file

import os
import numpy as np
from lightkurve import LightCurve
from smurfs.preprocess.tess import mag
from import *
from pandas import read_csv

[docs]def load_file(file: str, clip: float = 4, it: int = 1, apply_file_correction: bool = False) -> LightCurve: """ Loads and normalizes target content :param file: Name of target including path :return: LightCurve object """ if not os.path.exists(file): raise IOError(ctext(f"File {file} doesn't exist!", error)) mprint(f"Reading data from {file} ...", log) try: data = np.loadtxt(file) except ValueError: data = read_csv(file) data = np.array((data.time,data.flux)) if data.shape[0] > data.shape[1]: data = data.T if data.shape[0] == 2: lc = LightCurve(time=data[0], flux=data[1]) else: lc = LightCurve(time=data[0], flux=data[1], flux_err=data[2]) lc = lc.remove_nans() if apply_file_correction: lc.flux = lc.flux + float(np.amin(lc.flux)) + 10 lc = lc.remove_outliers(clip, maxiters=it) lc = mag(lc) lc = lc.remove_nans() else: if np.amax(np.abs(lc.flux)) > 10: mprint( f"It seems as if your flux isn't in magnitudes. Be aware, that SMURFS expects the flux in magnitudes. " f"Continuing ...", warn) if np.abs(np.median(lc.flux)) > 1: mprint( f"The median of your flux is {'%.2f' % np.median(lc.flux)}. To do a proper analysis, the median should " f"be close to 0. Be aware, that this might cause issues. Continuing...", warn) mprint(f"Total observation length: {'%.2f' % (lc.time[-1] - lc.time[0])} days.", log) mprint("Extracted data from target!", info) return lc